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The Guide Bundle is for you IF...You want to do a full reboot this season but you are mostly and independent learner who is committed to putting the action steps into, well, ACTION! The guides are written by a teacher (that's me;) so they are super user friendly!
The Collective Membership is for you IF....You are looking for ALL the tips and tools you can get your hands on to really give yourself a massive boost in confidence this season. As in, your closet, wellness routine, and your mindset habits could all benefit from some enhancements. You appreciate a community that is also doing this alongside you, enjoy learning from videos and text, and could use some accountability to keep you engaged! Plus, you like to meet new people and have some FUN with trying new things!
The Fall Edit is for you IF.....Your closet may be the place you've been neglecting for far too long. You aren't sure what your wardrobe needs but you know it needs something. And you find yourself less than enthused when it's time to get dressed each day.
The Fall Capsule is for you IF....Your closet needs a refresh, you need some guidance about what pieces you need to add to it, and building outfits is not your jam!
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